dinsdag 20 september 2011

IFLA Sattelite Tampere

The Road to Information Literacy: Librarians as Facilitators of Learning IFLA Satellite meeting in Tampere Finland, August 8, 9, 10, 2012.

Sponsors:  IFLA’s Continuing Professional Education and Workplace Learning and Information Literacy Sections
Proposals due by November 9, 2011 and should be sent to Iflasatellite2012@gmail.com.

Introduction to Information Literacy clip

A group of students meet outside the University for the class breaks and start discussing about information literacy.
Will came out with the idea to make a documentary about girls.
The conversation turns into an active discussion about the importance of being a critical thinker and how to use the information in an appropriate way.
Have a look at this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udbf4M4YYwE

7 Pillars revised: session in Second Life, 21 September

When: Wednesday 21st September 2011, 12 noon SL time (8pm UK time, see
http://tinyurl.com/3bw7bte for times elsewhere)
Where: Infolit iSchool, in the virtual world, Second Life (SL). You need a SL avatar and the SL browser installed on your computer, to participate. Go direct to: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Infolit%20iSchool/129/242/22/

What: Sheila Webber (Sheffield University Information School) will present the revised version of the SCONUL 7 Pillars of information literacy. Revised copies of the 3D (SL) version of the SCONUL 7
Pillars will be made available. Sheila will also say something about how she uses the 7 Pillars in teaching. The website for the Pillars is

This is a Centre for Information Literacy Research event.

zaterdag 17 september 2011

Section minutes published

The minutes of the 2nd section IFLA Information Literacy Section committee meeting (Puerto Rico, 17 August 2011) have been published on the IFLA website, at http://www.ifla.org/files/information-literacy/minutes/SC%20II%20minutes_August%2017%202011-2.pdf

woensdag 7 september 2011

Polish translation of guidelines

Ewa Hajdasz, Matylda Filas, Justyna Jasiewicz, Renata Piotrowska, Ewa Rozkosz, Grzegorz Winnicki, Zuza Wiorogórska have collaborated to produce Kompetencje informacyjne w procesie uczenia się przez całe życie Wytyczne, which is a translation into Polish of the Guidelines on Information Literacy for Lifelong Learning by Jesús Lau. The original English version and versions in Bahasa Melayu, Català, Deutsch, Ελληνικά, Español, 한국어, Português, Русский, and Română, as well as this new Polish one, are linked from the Information Literacy Section's website